
《南傳法句經》第9 - 10



故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。


  《法句經》第9偈與第10偈由反派大角提婆達多(Devadatta)領銜主演。按字面意思來看,Deva為天或神(god),Datta 則是dadātito give)的過去分詞;兩字合起來,意謂God-given,因此漢譯亦作「天授」。不過,提婆達多此一音譯名字較廣為人知。提婆達多來頭非常不小,他不但是佛陀的堂兄弟、也是佛陀妻子耶輸陀羅的兄弟。如此親上加親,卻偏偏一再跟佛陀作對,破壞僧團、謀殺佛陀,簡直壞的沒道理可講,最後直接下了地獄。當然,這是有宿世的因果關係。咱們來瞧瞧這回他幹了啥事兒。








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[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada


009 The Pure Are Worthy of the Yellow Robe But Not the Impure



Anikkasāvo kāsāvaṃ

Yo vatthaṃ paridahessati

Apeto damasaccena

Na so kāsāvaṃ arahati



Whoever, unstainless, without self-control and truthfulness, should don the yellow robe, is not worthy of it.




010 The Pure Are Worthy of the Yellow Robe But Not the Impure



Yo ca vantakasāv’ assa

Sīlesu susamāhito

Upeto damasaccena

Sa ve kāsāvaṃ arahati



He who is purged of all stain, is well-established in morals and endowed with self-control and truthfulness, is indeed worthy of the yellow robe.







不見真(Sacca 真理)克己(Dama 調御,自制),不應著袈裟*。


* Kāsāva = kāsāya 雜色衣,糞掃衣,出家眾的衣。










註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;

Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede


Nikkasāva: (adj) free from impurity or sin

Anikkasāva: impure

Kasāva: (m/n) stain, impurity

Kāsāva: (n) the yellow robe   (adj) yellow, reddish yellow

Yo: (pron) who, what, which; he who; whoever

Vattha: (n) clothes

kāsāvaṃ vatthaṃ: the yellow robe of a Buddhist monk

Paridaheti: to put on, wear

Apeta: (pp. of apeti) having departed [+abl.]; deprived of [+ins.]

Dama: (m) self-restraint, discipline

Sacca: (n) truth

Apeta damasaccena: void of self-restraint and truth

Na: (negative particle) not

So: (pron) he; this; that

Arahati: to deserve, to be worthy of; to be able; to be fit; to honor


Yo: (pron) who, what, which; he who; whoever

Vanta: (pp. of vamati) rejected, put away, given up, left behind

Vamati: to vomit, eject, discharge

Vantakasāva: one who has left behind all stain

Assa: (opt of atthi, 3rd pers. singular) is; should one be

Sīla: (n) a moral precept, morality, moral practice, piety; nature, character; habits, customs, practice, conduct

Samāhita: (pp. of samādahati) firm, fixed, steadfast, established in

Samādahati: to put together

Susamāhita: (pp) well-established

Upeta: (pp. of upeti) possessed of

Dama: (m) self-restraint, discipline

Sacca: (n) truth

Upeta damasaccena: endowed with self-restraint and truth

Sa, so: (pron) he; this; that

Ve: (particle) indeed, truly, verily

Kāsāva: (n) the yellow robe   (adj) yellow, reddish yellow

Arahati: to deserve, to be worthy of; to be able; to be fit; to honor






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