

故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。









[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada


007 The Weak Succumb to Temptation but Not the Strong


Subhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ

Indriyesu asaṃvutaṃ

Bhojanamhi amattaññuṃ

Kusītaṃ hīnaviriyaṃ

Taṃ ve pasahati māro

Vāto rukkhaṃ’va dubbalaṃ



Whoever lives contemplating pleasant things, with senses unrestrained, in food immoderate, indolent, inactive, him verily Māra overthrows, as the wind (overthrows) a weak tree.



008 The Weak Succumb to Temptation but Not the Strong


Asubhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ

Indriyesu susaṃvutaṃ

Bhojanamhi ca mattaññuṃ

Saddhaṃ āraddhaviriyaṃ

Taṃ ve nappasahati māro

Vāto selaṃ’va pabbataṃ



Whoever lives contemplating “the Impurities,” with senses restrained, in food moderate, full of faith, full of sustained energy, him Māra overthrows not, as the wind (does not overthrow) a rocky mountain.



















註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;

Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede


Subha: (adj) radiant, lustrous; beautiful; good; auspicious, happy

Anupassī: (adj) looking at, contemplating, observing

Subhānupassī: (adj) contemplating what is pleasant, or objects of desire

Viharati: to dwell, sojourn, live   ppr. viharanta

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex

Saṃvuṇāti, -ṇoti: to cover    pp. saṃvuta: restrained, controlled

Asaṃvuta: (adj) unrestrained, intemperate

Bhojana: (n) food

Amattaññū: (adj) immoderate, intemperate

Kusīta: (adj) slothful, inert, indolent

Hīnaviriya: (adj) feeble

Taṃ: (pron) him

Ve: (particle) indeed, truly, verily

Pasahati: to use force, overcome, subdue, oppress

Māra: (m) Death, the Tempter; the Evil principle; killing

Vāta: (m) wind

Rukkha: (m) a tree

Iva, viya, va: (part.) like, as

Dubbala: (adj) weak


Asubha: (adj) bad, ugly, disagreeable, nasty, disgusting, offensive

Anupassī: (adj) looking at, contemplating, observing

Asubhānupassī: (adj) contemplating what is unpleasant, or the impurities

Viharati: to dwell, sojourn, live   ppr. viharanta

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex

Saṃvuṇāti, -ṇoti: to cover    pp. saṃvuta: restrained, controlled

Susaṃvuta: (adj) well restrained

Bhojana: (n) food

Mattaññū: (adj) moderate, temperate

Saddha: (adj) faithful, believing

Ārabhati: to begin; undertake; attempt; exert oneself; obtain by exertion     pp. āraddha: having begun; striving, exerting oneself

Āraddhaviriya: (adj) making an effort, strenuous

Taṃ: (pron) him

Ve: (particle) indeed, truly, verily

Na: (negative particle) not

Pasahati: to use force, overcome, subdue, oppress

Māra: (m) Death, the Tempter; the Evil principle; killing

Vāta: (m) wind

Sela: (adj) rocky    (m) a rock, hill, mountain

Iva, viya, va: (part.) like, as

Pabbata: (m) a mountain




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