故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
104 Be Rather a Victor of Yourself than a Victor of Others
Attā have jitaṃ seyyo
Yā cā’yaṃ itarā pajā
Attadantassa posassa
Niccaṃ saññatacārino
105 None Can Turn Self-Victory into Defeat
N’eva devo na gandhabbo
Na māro saha brahmunā
Jitaṃ apajitaṃ kayirā
Tathārūpassa jantuno
Self-conquest is, indeed, far greater than the conquest of all other folk; neither a god nor a gandhabba, nor Māra with Brahma, can win back the victory of such a person who is self-subdued and ever lives in restraint.
註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;
Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Attā, ātumā: (m) self, body, person, individuality; life, mind, soul acc. attaṃ, attānaṃ ins./abl. attanā gen./dat. attano: of oneself, one’s
Have: (adv) indeed, certainly
Jita: (pp/n) conquered, subdued; victory
Seyya: (adj) better, excellent (m/n/f nom.) seyyo
Yo: (pron) who, what, which; he who, whoever (f) yā
Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this
Itara: (adj) other; different; remaining
Pajā: (f) creature, people, mankind, race, descendants
Danta: (pp. of dammati) tamed, subdued, trained, temperate
Posa, porisa: (m) a man, a human being, a person
Nicca: (adj) perpetual, lasting, constant
Niccaṃ: (adv) always, perpetually
Saññata, saṃyata: (pp. saṃyamati) tied, fastened; restrained, self-controlled
Saññatacārī: (m) one who lives in self-control, living in self-control
N’eva… na: neither… nor…
Deva: (m) a god, celestial being, angel; king; cloud; the sky, the air
Gandhabba: (m) Gandharva, a celestial musician (f) gandhabbī 乾闥婆 The Gandhabbas are a class of demigods who inhabit the Cātummahārājika heaven, and are the special attendants of Dhataraṭṭha (Dhṛtarāṣṭra 持國天王).
Māra: (m) Death, the Tempter; the Evil principle
Saha: (adv) with, together with
Brahmā: (m) Mahābrahmā; the Hindu Brahma; a Brahman angel
Apa: (adv, prep) away, from, away from
Apajita: (pp/n) defeated; defeat
Karoti: to act, do, cause, cause to become, render, make, perform opt. kayirā, kayirātha, kubbetha, kare, kareyya ger. katvā
Tathārūpa: (adj) such, suitable, appropriate, adequate (f) tathārūpī
Jantu: (m) a man, person, animal, creature