《南傳法句經》第 31 偈
故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第 31 偈的主角是個比丘,但不知何許人也。憑藉不斷的努力,終於斷了十結,證得最高果位。話說有位比丘從佛陀那兒領得禪修的業處後,便到森林修行。儘管他盡心盡力了,卻始終進展甚微。他因此意氣消沉,深感挫折。於是決定返回衹園精舍,請佛陀進一步指導。就在他回去的路上,竟然碰上烈焰衝天。他急忙奔上一座山頭,從高處觀察火勢。比丘望著野火延燒,豁然頓悟──就像烈火焚毀一切,觀禪的修行同樣能夠燒斷生命中的大小粗細縛結。
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
031 The Heedful Advance
Appamādarato bhikkhu
Pamāde bhayadassī
Saññojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ
Ḍahaṃ aggī’ va gacchati.
The bhikkhu who delights in heedfulness and looks with fear on heedlessness, advances like fire, burning all fetters great and small.
* 五下分結: 身見、疑、戒禁取、欲愛、瞋。五上分結: 色愛、無色愛、慢、掉舉、無明。
註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;
Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Appamāda: (m) heedfulness, diligence, vigilance, earnestness, carefulness
Rata: (pp. ramati) delighting in, intent on [with loc.]
Bhikkhu: (m) an almsman, a mendicant, a Buddhist monk or priest
Pamāda: (m) sloth, heedlessness, indifference
Bhaya: (n) fear, fright, dread; danger
Bhayadassī: (adj) seeing danger, looking with fear
Saññojana (saṃyojana): (n) fetter, bond, attachment
Aṇu: (adj) small, subtle, minute
Thūla (thulla): (adj) big, large, thick, coarse, clumsy
Ḍahati: to burn, consume by fire, torment ppr. nom. ḍahaṃ
Aggi: (m) fire, flames, sparks; conflagration; sacrificial fire; the deity of fire
Iva, viya, va: (part.) like, as
Gacchati: to go, to be in motion, to move, to go on