《南傳法句經》第 33-34 偈
故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第 33-34 偈的故事提醒我們,看似舒適的地方未必是修行的好所在。話說某日,彌醯亞比丘(Meghiya)化緣後,在返回精舍的途中,看見一座幽美怡人的芒果園。當下眼睛一亮,這豈不是禪修的理想地方嘛!於是請求佛陀允許他去那兒禪修。佛陀深知這位年輕弟子的心性,光憑對一個地方的喜愛,無助於他的修行,要他過一陣子再說。但彌醯亞念茲在茲,巴不得立馬奔去,一而再、再而三懇求。最後佛陀禁不住他的纏磨,只好應允。
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
033 Straighten Your Fickle Mind
Phandanaṃ capalaṃ cittaṃ
Dūrakkhaṃ dunnivārayaṃ
Ujuṃ karoti medhāvī
Usukāro’ va tejanaṃ
The flickering, fickle mind, difficult to guard, difficult to control - the wise person straightens it as a fletcher straightens an arrow.
034 Straighten Your Fickle Mind
Vārijo’ va thale khitto
Okamokata ubbhato
Pariphandati idaṃ cittaṃ
Māradheyyaṃ pahātave
Like a fish that is drawn from its watery abode and thrown upon land, even so does this mind flutter. Hence should the realm of the passions be shunned.
註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;
Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Phandana: (adj) trembling, unsteady, wavering, agitated, palpitating (n) throb, trembling, agitation, quivering
Capala: (adj) fickle, unsteady, swift
Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention
Dūrakkha: (adj) difficult to guard or watch
Dunnivāraya: (adj) difficult to hold back or control
Uju, ujju: (adj) straight, direct, honest, upright, straightforward
Karoti: to act, perform, make, do
Ujuṃ karoti: to straighten, to set right, to correct
Medhāvī: (adj) intelligent, wise (m) a wise man
Usu: (m/f) an arrow
Usukāra: (m) a fletcher, arrow-maker
Iva, viya, va: (part.) like, as
Tejana: (n) the point or shaft of an arrow; an arrow
Vāri: (n) water
Vārija: (m) a fish (n) a lotus
Thala (n), Thalī (f): land, dry ground
Khitta: (pp. khipati) thrown, discharged, shot
Oka: (n) water; a resting-place, asylum, shelter, resort; house, a dwelling
Okamokata: (okaṃ-okata) from its watery home; from this and that abode, from all places
Ubbhata: (pp. uddharati) thrown up, drawn out, pulled out, brought out
Uddharati: to pull out, draw out; take up, lift, raise; remove, take away pp. uddhaṭa, ubbhata
Pariphandati: to tremble, quiver, throb, totter
Idaṃ: (n) this (m/f) ayaṃ (adv) just (this), even so, only
Māra: (m) Death, the Tempter; the Evil principle; killing
Dheyya: (n) realm, region
Māradheyya: (n) the realm of Māra or Death; being under the sway of Māra
Pahātave: (used in the sense of pahātabba) should be shunned
Pajahati: to forsake, abandon, give up, renounce, get rid of pfp. pahātabba, pajahitabba ger. pahāya (= hitvā), pahatvāna, pajahitvā pp. pahīna aor. pajahi, pahāsi