Key to Exercise 18, The New Pali Course (Part I)




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1. Gāmaṃ gacchanto dārako ekaṃ goṇaṃ disvā bhāyi.

The boy (who was) going to the village saw an ox and got afraid.


2. Dārikā rodantī ammāya santikaṃ gantvā pīṭhe nisīdati.

The girl goes near her mother crying and sits on the chair.


3. Vāṇijā bhaṇḍāni vikkiṇantā nadiyaṃ nahāyante manusse passiṃsu.

While selling goods, the merchants saw people bathing in the river.


4. Kāññāyo hasamānā nahāyantiyo gacchantiṃ vanitaṃ akkosiṃsu.

The girls, laughing and bathing, swore at the woman who was going.

akkosati: to scold, swear at, abuse, revile    pp. akkuṭṭha


5. Puriso hasanto rukkhaṃ āruhitvā phalāni khādanto sākhāyaṃ nisīdi.

The man climbed up the tree laughing and sat on the branch eating fruits.


6. Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṃ viharanto devānaṃ manussānaṃ ca dhammaṃ desesi.

While living in Sāvatthi, the Exalted One preached the doctrine to gods and humans.


7. Sā sayantiṃ itthiṃ uṭṭhāpetvā hasamānā tamhā ṭhānā apagacchi.

She woke up the sleeping woman and went away from that place laughing.

uṭṭhāpeti: to make rise, wake up, awake; raise

apagacchati: to go away, move aside


8. Tumhe bhūmiyaṃ kīḷamānaṃ imaṃ dārakaṃ ukkhipitvā mañce ṭhapetha.

You raise up this boy playing on the floor and put (him) in bed.

ukkhipati: to hold up, to take up, raise


9. Sīhaṃ disvā bhāyitvā dhāvamānā te migā asmiṃ vane āvāṭesu patiṃsu.

Having seen the lion and got afraid, those running deer fell in the pits in this forest.

āvāṭa: (m) a hole dug in the ground, a pit; a well


10. Imasmiṃ gāme vasantānaṃ purisānaṃ eko pharasuṃ ādāya vanaṃ gacchanto ekāya kāsuyaṃ pati.

One of the men living in this village took the ax and, while going to the forest, fell in a pit.


11. Nisīdantiyā nāriyā putto rodamāno tassā santikaṃ gamissati.

The son of the sitting woman will go near her crying.


12. Yācakā bhattaṃ pacantiṃ itthiṃ disvā taṃ āhāraṃ yācantā tattha nisīdiṃsu.

Having seen the woman cooking rice, the beggars sat there begging her for food.


13. Vanamhā dārūni āharantī kaññā ekasmiṃ pāsāṇe udakaṃ pivamānā nisīdi.

The girl (who was) bringing firewood from the forest sat down on a rock drinking water.


14. Vāṇijā bhaṇḍāni kiṇantā vikkiṇantā ca gāmesu nagaresu ca āhiṇḍanti.

The merchants move about in villages and cities buying and selling goods.


15. Dānaṃ dadanto so dhanavā sīlavante gavesati.

That rich man (who is) giving alms seeks virtuous people.

gavesati: to seek, search for; wish for, strive after



Translate into Pali


1. Going to the river the slave sat at the foot of a tree, eating (some) fruits.

Dāso nadiṃ gacchanto phalāni khādanto ekassa rukkhassa mūle nisīdi.


2. The mother, having raised the crying girl, gave her (some) milk.

Mātā rodantiṃ Kaññaṃ ukkhipitvā tāya khīraṃ dadi.


3. Walking on the riverbank we saw (some) people bathing in the river.

Mayaṃ nadikūle carantā nadiyaṃ nahāyante (eke) manusse passimha.


4. Seeing us there a deer began to run and fell in a pit.

Eko migo tattha amhe passanto dhāvituṃ ārabhitvā ekāyaṃ kāsuyaṃ pati.


5. Coming out of the forest the lion saw a cow eating grass on that field.

Sīho vanamhā nikkhamanto tamhi khette tiṇaṃ khādantiṃ ekaṃ dhenuṃ passi.


6. Bringing firewood from this forest the maiden drank water from that tank.

Yuvati imamhā vanamhā dāruṃ āharantī tāya vāpiyā udakaṃ pivi.


7. A certain man living in this village saw a leopard running to that mountain.

Imasmiṃ gāmasmiṃ vasanto aññataro puriso taṃ giriṃ dhāvantaṃ dīpiṃ passi.


8. Our fathers and brothers will wander through villages and towns, (while) selling and buying goods.

Amhākaṃ pitaro bhātaro ca bhaṇḍāni vikkiṇantā kiṇantā ca gāmehi nagarehi ca āhiṇḍissanti.


9. Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in a cave.

Ahaṃ taṃ divasaṃ pabbate tiṭṭhaṃ ekāyaṃ guhāyaṃ sayantiṃ sīhiṃ passiṃ.

divasa: (m) a day   [acc.] divasaṃ as adverb


10. The boy came to me, laughing and running.

Kumāro hasamāno dhāvanto ca mama santikaṃ āgacchi.


11. Carrying a drum for his aunt, the farmer sat on this rock, looking at these trees and fields.

Kassako tassa mātulāniyā ekaṃ dundubhiṃ haranto ime rukkhe ca khette ca olokento asmiṃ pāsāṇe nisīdi.


12. The Buddha, living in Sāvatthi for a long time, preached His doctrine to the people of that city.

Buddho ciraṃ Sāvatthiyaṃ viharanto tassa nagarassa manussānaṃ tassa dhammaṃ desesi.

cira: (adj) long    [acc.] ciraṃ as adverb: for a long time


13. While cooking (some) rice, his sister sat singing on a chair.

Tassa bhaginī odanaṃ pacantī gāyantī pīṭhe nisīdi.

gāyati: to sing, to recite    imp. gāhi


14. Giving alms to the beggars the millionaire spent all his wealth.

Seṭṭhī yācakānaṃ dānaṃ dadanto tassa sabbaṃ dhanaṃ vissajjesi

vissajjeti: to spend, give away, bestow, hand over


15. Playing on the road the boys saw a man running from there.

Dārakā magge kīḷamānā tato dhāvantaṃ ekaṃ naraṃ passiṃsu.





    New Pali Course
    創作者 Giita 的頭像


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