《南傳法句經》第 38-39 偈
故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第 38 與 39 偈的故事講一個三心二意的傢伙,如何峰迴路轉憣然證悟。話說有個舍衛城的農民在森林裡尋找走失的牛,找了半天,飢腸轆轆,便到村子的寺院乞得一些食物。他嘴巴動,腦袋可也沒停,突然靈光一閃,心想,就算每天作牛作馬,也換不得溫飽,那麼何不乾脆出家?嗯,不失為一個好主意。
於是,他懇求比丘讓他加入僧團。在寺院安單後,他克盡僧人的職守,由於食物充足,不久就養胖了。過了一陣子,他逐漸厭倦外出乞食的生活,心念一轉,不如還俗也罷。又過了一些日子,他又覺得世俗生活過於艱辛,所以又返回寺院二度出家。但過沒幾天,又還俗了。他就這麼來來去去出家又回家,鼓搗了六回。因為他總是憑著一時衝動行事,大家給他一個綽號──「吉德哈德」(Citta Hatta,意思是,心念游移不定)。在這段游移的期間,他的妻子懷孕了。其實他並不是真心準備好出家,純粹是圖自己的方便罷了。職是之故,不論出家為比丘或在家為凡夫,他都不快樂。
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
038 To the Vigilant There Is No Fear
Saddhammaṃ avijānato
Paññā na paripūrati
He whose mind is not steadfast, he who knows not the true doctrine, he whose confidence wavers - the wisdom of such a one will never be perfect.
039 To the Vigilant There Is No Fear
Natthi jāgarato bhayaṃ
He whose mind is not soaked (by lust), he who is not affected (by hatred), he who has transcended both good and evil – for such a vigilant one there is no fear.
* 阿羅漢超越善/惡業的侷限,儘管他們的所作所為是善行,但皆屬於「唯作」(kiriya);換言之,不再起造業的作用了。雖然不再累積新業,他們今生依然要承受過去累世所造的業報。
* 此處的覺者是指阿羅漢。阿羅漢並非不睡覺,但不論清醒或睡眠時,他們被視為「無眠者」、「警醒者」,因為阿羅漢永遠具足正信,精進,正念,正定和慧等五種德行。
註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;
Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Avaṭṭhita: (pp of avatiṭṭhati) firm, fixed, settled, lasting, steadfast, steady neg. anavaṭṭhita: unsettled, unsteady, not lasting, changeable
Avatiṭṭhati: to abide, linger, stand still
Citta: (n) the mind, consciousness, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention Saddhamma: (m) the true dharma, true religion, good practice, good doctrine
Vijānāti: to know exactly, discern, perceive, find out ppr. vijānaṃ, vijānanta neg. avijānanta: not understanding [gen.] avijānato
Pariplava: (adj) unsteady, wavering, swerving about
Pasāda: (m) faith, joy, grace, serenity of mind; clearness, brightness, purity
Paññā: (f) reason, wisdom, insight, knowledge, recognition
Paripūrati: to become full or perfect pp. paripuṇṇa
Avassuta: (adj) leaking, oozing; filled with desire, lustful neg. anavassuta: not leaking; free from leakage, i. e. free from lust or moral intoxication
Anvāhata: (pp. of anu+ā+han) struck, beaten, agitated, perplexed neg. ananvāhata: not agitated or affected
Ceto: (m/n) the mind, the heart, the thought [gen.] cetaso
Puñña: (n) goodness, virtue, merit, good works
Pāpa: (n) evil, sin, demerit
Pahīna: (pp. of pajahati) relinquished, abandoned, perished, destroyed
Atthi: to be, exist neg. natthi
Jāgarati: to be awake, to be watchful, to be on the alert ppr. jāgaranta [gen.] jāgarato
Bhaya: (n) fear, danger