Key to Exercise 20, The New Pali Course (Part I)




Translate into English


1. Rattā gāviyo khette āhiṇdantiyo bahuṃ tiṇaṃ khādiṃsu.

The red cows wandering in the field ate a lot of grass.


2. Uccā kumārī nīlaṃ vatthaṃ paridahitvā mahantaṃ nagaraṃ gamissati.

The tall girl, having put on a piece of blue cloth, will go to the big city.

paridahati: to wear, put on, clothe    ger. paridahitvā, paridayha


3. Bahavo manussā dīghāhi rajjūhi setā dhenuyo bandhitvā gambhīraṃ nadiṃ hariṃsu.

Having tied the white cows with long ropes, many people led them to the deep river.


4. Amhākaṃ bahūnaṃ bandhavānaṃ puttā dubbalā honti.

The sons of many of our relatives are weak.


5. Paṇḍitassa purisassa sā bālā bhaginī pakkāni phalāni ocinitvā appakānaṃ dārakānaṃ adāsi.

Having gathered ripe fruits, that foolish sister of the wise man gave them to a few boys.


6. Tassā mahallikāya itthiyā daharo nattā uttāne jale nahāyati.

The young grandson of that old woman bathes in the shallow water.


7. Tasmiṃ ucce rukkhe ṭhito vānaro imasmiṃ nīce tarumhi nisinne pakkhino oloketi.

The monkey which has stood in that tall tree looks at the birds seated in this low tree.


8. Mālinī nārī rassena maggena khuddakaṃ gāmaṃ gacchi.

The woman wearing a garland went to the small village by a short path.


9. Daharā kaññā mudunā hatthena rattāni padumāni gaṇhāti.

The young girl takes the red lotuses with (her) soft hand.


10. Balavanto appakaṃ pi dhanaṃ labhitvā dubbale manusse pīḷenti.

The powerful ones, having also obtained little wealth, oppress the weak people.


11. Balavantā kāḷā goṇā uccesu girīsu āhiṇḍitvā bahūni tiṇāni khādanti.

The strong black oxen wander in the high mountains and eat a lot of grass.


12. Bahunnaṃ bālānaṃ puttā tassā nadiyā gambhīre jale patitvā mariṃsu.

The sons of many foolish people fell in the deep water of that river and died.


13. Mama bhātarānaṃ majjhimo nīce pīṭhe nisīditvā āmaṃ phalaṃ khādati.

My middle brother sits on the low chair and eats an unripe fruit.


14. Mayaṃ suve majjhimaṃ vāpiṃ gantvā setāni padumāni nīlāni uppalāni ca āharissāma.

Tomorrow we will go to the medium tank and bring white lotuses and blue water-lilies.

uppala: (n) the (blue) lotus; a water-lily


15. Tumhe mahallake dubbale ca purise disvā mā hasatha.

Having seen old and weak men, do not laugh (at them).



Translate into Pali


1. A white cow drank much water from that big tank.

Setā dhenu tāya mahantiyā vāpiyā bahuṃ jalaṃ pivi.

mahantī: (f) big, large, great


2. Wearing red clothes many girls are going to the big market in that large city.

Bahukāyo kumāriyo rattāni vatthāni paridahantiyo tasmiṃ mahante nagare mahantaṃ āpaṇaṃ gamissanti.


3. The sons of that elderly woman are neither powerful nor rich.

Tassā mahallikāya itthiyā puttā balavanto vā dhanavanto vā na honti.


4. Our young ones always like to eat many unripe fruits.

Amhākaṃ daharā bahūni āmāni phalāni khādituṃ sadā icchanti.


5. That foolish woman went to that long river and fell in its deep water.

Sā bālā vanitā taṃ dīghaṃ nadiṃ gantvā tassā gambhīre jale pati.


6. Water in this pond is not deep but shallow.

Imāyaṃ pokkharaṇiyaṃ jalaṃ na gambhīraṃ uttānaṃ hoti.


7. My old (elderly) aunt brought a long rope to bind that red cow.

Mama mahallikā mātulānī taṃ rattaṃ dhenuṃ bandhituṃ dīghaṃ rajjuṃ āhari.


8. The powerful man cut many tall and dwarf trees in that small garden.

Balavā tasmiṃ khuddake ārāme bahavo ucce rasse ca rukkhe chindi.


9. Sitting on a low chair the young girl eats a ripe mango she got from her mother.

Nīce pīṭhe nisīdantī daharā kaññā tassā mātarā laddhaṃ pakkaṃ ambaṃ khādati


10. Much grass is brought by the slaves from that small field on the bank of that wide river.

Tāya vitthatāya nadiyā kūle tamhā khuddakamhā khettamhā bahuṃ tiṇaṃ dāsehi āhaṭaṃ hoti.


11. White lotuses and blue lilies are bought by that feeble maiden from the elderly man.

Mahallakasmā narasmā setāni padumāni ca nīlāni uppalāni ca tāya dubbalāya yuvatiyā kītāni honti.


12. The black oxen are sleeping on the rough ground near that high mountain.

Tassa uccassa pabbatassa santike Kharāyaṃ bhūmiyaṃ Kāḷā goṇā sayanti.

“Sayanti” can be translated as “they sleep,” “they are sleeping,” or “they do sleep.”


13. The young boy's soft hand is burnt by the flame of that small lamp.

Tassa khuddakassa dīpassa accīhi daharassa dārakassa mudu hattho daḍḍho hoti.

ahati: to burn, consume, torment    pp. daḍḍha


14. Many people will cross the great ocean and come to see this beautiful little island.

Bahavo manussā mahantaṃ udadhiṃ taritvā imaṃ surūpaṃ khuddakaṃ dīpaṃ passituṃ āgamissanti.


15. In this beautiful city there are big houses, wide streets, long paths, and many gardens.

Imamhi dassanīye nagare mahantāni gehāni ca vitthatāyo visikhāyo ca dīghā maggā ca bahavo ārāmā santi.





    New Pali Course
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