Key to Exercise 22, The New Pali Course (Part I)
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1. Gacchantesu dasasu purisesu sattamo vāṇijo hoti.
The seventh among the ten men who are going is a merchant.
2. Tassa sattamā dhītā aṭṭhamāya ekaṃ vatthaṃ adāsi.
His seventh daughter gave a piece cloth to the eighth.
3. Catassannaṃ yuvatīnaṃ tatiyāya bhātā pañca asse ānesi.
The brother of the third among the four maidens brought five horses.
4. Mayhaṃ pitā sattatime vasse pañcame māse kālaṃ akāsi.
My father died in the fifth month of the seventieth year.
kālaṃ karoti: dies
5. Mayaṃ ito chaṭṭhe divase catūhi purisehi saddhiṃ dutiyaṃ nagaraṃ gamissāma.
We will go the second city with four men on the sixth day hence.
6. Idāni aṭṭhamo Edwardnāmo bhūpati rajjaṃ karoti.
Now King Edward VIII reigns.
rajjaṃ karoti: reigns
7. Pubbe chaṭṭho Parakkamabāhu-bhūpati Jayavaddhanapure rajjaṃ kari.
In the past, King Parakkamabāhu VI reigned in Jayavaddhanapura.
8. Pāṭhasālāya asītiyā sissesu pañcavīsatimo hīyo gambhīre udake pati.
Among the eighty students of the school, the twenty-fifth fell into the deep water yesterday.
pāṭhasālā: (f) school
sissa: (m) student
9. Amhākaṃ pitāro ito pañcame vasse bahūhi manussehi Anurādhapuraṃ gamissanti.
Our fathers will go to Anurādhapura with many people in the fifth year hence.
10. Dvīsu pāṭhasālāsu paṭhamāya tisataṃ sissā uggaṇhanti.
Three hundred students study at the first of the two schools.
11. Dvinnaṃ dhanavantānaṃ dutiyo tiṃsatiyā yācakānaṃ dānaṃ adāsi.
The second of the two rich men gave alms to thirty beggars.
12. Nahāyantīsu pañcasu nārīsu tatiyāya bhātā dhanavā hoti.
The brother of the third among the five bathing women is a rich man.
13. Bhattaṃ pacantīnaṃ tissannaṃ itthīnaṃ dutiyā nahāyituṃ gamissati.
The second of the three women who are cooking rice will go to take a bath.
14. Bhagavā paṭhamaṃ vassaṃ Bārāṇasiyaṃ Isipatanārāme vihari.
The Exalted One dwelled in the garden of Isipatana in Bārāṇasi during the first year.
15. Tadā so pañcannaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahunnaṃ manussānañ ca dhammaṃ desesi.
Then he preached the Dharma to five bhikkhus and many people.
Translate into Pali
1. The fifth of the ten merchants will buy the gem.
Dasasu vāṇijesu pañcamo maṇiṃ kiṇissati.
2. On the third day the four rich men will give alms to a hundred beggars.
Cattāro dhanavanto tatiye divase satassa yācakānaṃ dānaṃ dadissanti.
3. There are eight hundred students in the first of the three schools.
Tissannaṃ pāṭhasālānaṃ paṭhamāyaṃ aṭṭhasataṃ sissā bhavanti.
4. My fourth brother lives in the sixth house of the fifth street in Colombo.
Mayhaṃ catuttho bhātā Koḷambanagare pañcamāya visikhāya chaṭṭhe gehe vasati.
5. We will go to the city in the third month of the second year.
Mayaṃ dutiye vasse tatiye māse nagaraṃ gamissāma.
6. His tenth son will come here on the 25th day of this month.
Tassa dasamo putto asmiṃ māse pañcavīsatime divase idha āgamissati.
7. The sixth of the seven women wears a red cloth, and the fifth a blue one.
Sattasu vanitāsu chaṭṭhā rattaṃ vatthañ ca pañcamā nīlañ ca paridahati.
8. King Edward VII died 26 years ago.
Sattamo Edwardnāmo bhūpati chabbīsatiyā vassānaṃ upari kālaṃ akāsi.
upari: (indecl.) after, later; up, over, above [gen.+]
9. His son, King George V reigned for 25 years and 10 months.
Tassa putto pañcamo Georgenāmo bhūpati pañcavīsatiṃ vasse dasa māse ca rajjaṃ akāsi.
10. I will buy the second of these ten horses with one hundred florins.
Imesu dasasu assesu dutiyaṃ ahaṃ kahāpaṇānaṃ satehi kiṇissāmi.
11. Out of the eighty students in this school the 20th died yesterday.
Imāyaṃ pāṭhasālāyaṃ asītiyā sissesu vīsatimo hīyo kālaṃ akāsi.
12. His dead body was carried to the cemetery by 15 students.
Tassa mato kāyo pañcadasahi sissehi susānaṃ haṭo.
13. My sixth brother will come here with the fourth one.
Mama chaṭṭho bhātā catutthena saddhiṃ idha āgamissati.
14. His third brother's second daughter learns at this school.
Tassa tatiyassa bhātuno dutiyā dhītā imāyaṃ pāṭhasālāyaṃ uggaṇhāti.
15. The first sister of the queen will visit Anurādhapura after three months.
Rājiniyā paṭhamā bhaginī ito tīhi māsehi Anurādhapuraṃ gamissati.