Key to Exercise 21, The New Pali Course (Part I)




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1. Cattāro purisā catūhi pharasūhi cattāri rukkhāni chinditvā āharissanti.

The four men, having cut four trees with four axes, will bring them.


2. Tā tisso itthiyo imehi tīhi maggehi taṃ aṭaviṃ gantvā tissannaṃ kaññānaṃ tīṇi phalāni adaṃsu.

Those three women went to that forest through these three paths and gave three fruits to the three girls.


3. Ekissaṃ sālāyaṃ sataṃ purisā, paññāsā itthiyo ca nisīdissanti.

A hundred men and fifty women will sit in one hall.


4. Mayaṃ ito navahi divasehi pañcahi kumārehi saddhiṃ Koḷambanagaraṃ gamissāma.

We will go to Colombo with five boys after nine days.

divasa: (m/n) a day

ito navahi divasehi: after nine days, nine days hence


5. Pañca dāsā dasannaṃ assānaṃ bahuṃ tiṇaṃ, appakaṃ udakañ ca āhariṃsu.

Five slaves brought a lot of grass and a little water to ten horses.


6. Vīsati purisā dasahi goṇehi cattāri khettāni kasanti.

Twenty men plough four fields with ten oxen.


7. Vāṇijo kahāpaṇānaṃ dvīhi satehi aṭṭha asse kiṇitvā te catunnaṃ dhanavantānaṃ vikkiṇi.

The merchant, having bought eight horses with two hundred kahāpaṇas, sold them to four rich men.

kahāpaṇa: (m) a square copper coin extensively used in former days, the purchasing power of which is said to have been about that of a florin (2 shillings)


8. Tāsaṃ channaṃ itthīnaṃ cha bhātaro mahantaṃ pabbataṃ āruhitvā cha kapayo ānesuṃ.

The six brothers of those six women climbed the big mountain and brought six monkeys.


9. Tāsaṃ mātā dasa ambe kiṇitvā catassannaṃ dhītarānaṃ dadissati.

Having bought ten mangos, their mother will give (them) to the four daughters.

amba: (m) mango


10. Idāni Laṅkāyaṃ pañca-cattāḷīsa-satasahassaṃ manussā vasanti.

Now 4,500,000 people live in Sri Lanka.


11. Pubbe Sāvatthinagare manussānaṃ satta koṭiyo vasiṃsu.

In the past, seven crores of people lived in Sāvatthi.

pubbe: (loc. of pubba) in earlier times (also referring to previous births), in the past, before, formerly


12. Tumhe ito dvīhi vassehi Anurādhapuraṃ gantvā tattha nava divase vasantā mahante cetiye passissatha.

Having gone to Anurādhapura two years hence, you will see great shrines while staying there for nine days.

ito: (with ref. to time) from here, from now, hence (in chronological records with num. ord. or card., with reference either to past or future)

vassa: (m/n) rain, shower    (n) a year

divasa: (m/n) a day    [acc. pl. as adv.] nava divase/divasāni: for nine days


13. Dāso ekena hatthena dve nāḷikere itarena ekaṃ panasañ ca harati.

The slave carries two coconuts with one hand and one jackfruit with the other.

nāḷikera: (m/n) coconut, the coconut tree

panasa: (m/n) the Jackfruit or breadfruit tree and its fruit


14. Ahaṃ cattāri vassāni nagare vasitvā tato pacchā tayo māse gāme vasissāmi.

Having lived in the city for four years, thence, afterwards I will live in the village for three months.

māsa: (m/n) month   [acc. pl. as adv.] dasamāse: 10 months



Translate into Pali


1. Four women bought eight mangoes and gave them to the two daughters.

Catasso itthiyo aṭṭha ambe kiṇitvā dvinnaṃ dhītarānaṃ dadiṃsu.


2. Tomorrow five men will go to the forest and cut ten trees with their five axes.

Suve pañca purisā vanaṃ gantvā tesaṃ pañcahi pharasūhi dasa rukkhe chindissanti.


3. Three girls went separately to three tanks and each brought thirty flowers.

Tisso kaññāyo tisso vāpiyo visuṃ gacchiṃsu, ekekā tiṃsatiṃ pupphāni āhari.

visu: (adv.) separately, individually


4. In this hall there are five hundred men and three hundred women.

Imāyaṃ sālāyaṃ purisānaṃ pañca satāni ca itthīnaṃ tīṇi satāni ca bhavanti.


5. There are five thousand people, one thousand cattle and five hundred houses in this town.

Imasmiṃ nagare pañca sahassāni manussā ca sahassaṃ gāvo ca pañca satāni gehāni ca honti.


6. The seven brothers of the five girls went to that forest and killed eight deer.

Pañcanannaṃ kumārīnaṃ satta bhātaro taṃ vanaṃ gantvā aṭṭha mige māresuṃ.


7. We lived in Colombo for eight years and nine months.

Mayaṃ aṭṭha vassāni nava māse ca Koḷambanagare vasimha.


8. They will go to live there again three years and two months hence.

Te ito tīhi vassehi dvīhi māsehi ca puna tattha vasituṃ gamissanti.


9. Having bought three clothes the father gave them to his three daughters.

Pitā tīṇi vatthāni kiṇitvā tassa tissannaṃ dhītarānaṃ dadi.


10. Ten men with twenty oxen are ploughing these five fields.

Dasa narā vīsatiyā goṇehi saddhiṃ imāni pañca khettāni kasanti.


11. Sixty elephants came out of the city and thirty of them entered the forest.

Saṭṭhi hatthino nagaramhā nikkhamiṃsu, tesaṃ tiṃsati aṭaviṃ pāvisuṃ.


12. Of the twelve horses bought by me one is sold to another man.

Mayā kītānaṃ dvādasannaṃ assānaṃ eko aññassa purisassa vikkīto hoti.


13. The slave having brought 25 coconuts sold 20 of them to a woman.

Dāso pañcavīsatiṃ nāḷikere āharitvā tesaṃ vīsatiṃ ekāya vanitāya vikkiṇi.


14. Two merchants bought two horses for three hundred pieces (of kahāpaṇas).

Dve vāṇijā kahāpaṇānaṃ tīhi satehi dve asse kiṇiṃsu.


15. Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.

Laṅkāya dīpe paññāsā-lakkhaṃ manussā vasanti.





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