Key to Exercise 23, The New Pali Course (Part I)




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1. Imesaṃ dasannaṃ dhanavantānaṃ pañcamo sukhaṃ jīvati.

The fifth of these ten rich men lives happily.


2. Ayaṃ dīpi sanikaṃ āgantvā sahasā gāviyā upari pati.

This leopard came slowly and, suddenly, fell upon the cow.


3. Aṭṭhannaṃ kaññānaṃ chaṭṭhā gāviṃ daḷhaṃ bandhitvā vāpiṃ nesi.

The sixth of the eight girls tied the cow tightly and led (it) to the tank.


4. Ime pañca dārakā abhinhaṃ magge dhāvantā kīḷanti.

These five boys constantly running on the road are playing.


5. Imesu navasu sissesu sattamo sādhukaṃ uggaṇhāti.

Among these nine students, the seventh learns well.


6. Bhikkhū Bhagavato santikaṃ āgantvā taṃ vanditvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu.

The bhikkhus came near the Exalted One, saluted him, and sat on one side.


7. So seṭṭhī (attano) dhanaṃ pañcadhā vibhajitvā pañcannaṃ dhītarānaṃ adadi.

That millionaire divided his own wealth into five parts and gave (it) to his five daughters.

attano: his own


8. Tassa chaṭṭhāya dhītuyā putto dvikkhattuṃ imaṃ nagaraṃ āgacchi.

The son of his sixth daughter came to this city twice.


9. Paṭhamaṃ te assā rathaṃ samaṃ ākaḍḍhiṃsu, dutiyaṃ sīghaṃ dhāviṃsu.

At first those horses pulled the chariot evenly; they ran quickly for the second time.


10. Mama aṭṭhannaṃ bhātarānaṃ catuttho dukkhaṃ jīvati.

The fourth of my eight brothers lives with difficulty.


11. Kathaṃ te cattāro vāṇijā tattha vasanti?

How do those four merchants live there?


12. So dhītaraṃ evaṃ vatvā sahasā tato aññaṃ ṭhānaṃ gacchi.

Having said thus to the daughter, he suddenly went to another place from there.

vatti: to speak, say, call   ger. vatvā



Translate into Pali


1. Those ten boys are constantly playing at this place.

Te dasa dārakā abhinhaṃ imasmiṃ ṭhānasmiṃ kīḷanti.


2. The fifth of these seven merchants lives happily (or comfortably).

Imesaṃ sattannaṃ vāṇijānaṃ pañcamo sukhaṃ jīvati.


3. The king twice came out of the city and once bathed in this tank.

Bhūpati dvikkhattuṃ nagaramhā nikkhami, sakiṃ imāyaṃ vāpiyaṃ nahāyi.


4. The horses will run quickly drawing evenly the carriages after them.

Assā tesaṃ pacchato rathe samaṃ ākaḍḍhanto sīghaṃ dhāvissanti.

pacchato: (indecl.) after, behind    [gen. +]


5. The fourth of the seven monks does not observe the precepts well.

Sattannaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ catuttho sādhukaṃ sikkhāpadāni na rakkhati.

rakkhati: to protect, shelter, preserve; to observe, guard, take care of, control

sīla, sikkhāpada: (n) precept, rule, set of precepts, code of training; instruction


6. These twelve merchants went to the Buddha and sat aside to hear his preaching.

Ime dvādasa vāṇijā buddhaṃ gantvā tassa desanaṃ suṇituṃ/sotuṃ ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu.

desanā: (f) discourse, instruction, preaching, sermon


7. Suddenly a thief came to me and tried to take my umbrella.

Coro sahasā maṃ āgamma mayhaṃ chattaṃ gaṇhituṃ ussahi.

chatta: (n) a parasol or umbrella; canopy, sunshade

ussahati: to dare, venture, endeavor; to be able, be fit for


8. Slowly they went together to the bank of the river and came back separately.

Te sanikaṃ nadīkūlaṃ ekato gantvā visuṃ paccāgacchiṃsu.

ekato: (adv) together

paccāgacchati: [paṭi+āgacchati] to fall back on, return again, come back, withdraw


9. The third of the five sons of my friend learns with difficulty.

Mama mittassa pañcannaṃ puttānaṃ tatiyo dukkhaṃ uggaṇhāti.


10. How did he enter the city and come out of it so quickly?

Kathaṃ so nagaraṃ pavisitvā evaṃ sīghaṃ tamhā nikkhami?


11. The second daughter of his sixth brother lives (with difficulty) or miserably.

Tassa chaṭṭhassa bhātussa dutiyā dhītā dukkhaṃ jīvati.


12. Thus he spoke to his third sister and went aside.

So tassa tatiyaṃ bhaginiṃ evaṃ vatvā ekamantaṃ gacchi.





    New Pali Course
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