Key to Exercise 25, The New Pali Course (Part I)




Enlarge the following sentences.


1. Sā dassanīyā Kumārī gāyantī khīrena bahuṃ bhattaṃ sanikaṃ pacati.


2. So dārako hasanto vitthate magge tassa sunakhena saha kīḷati.


3. Pañca khuddakā vānarā sākhāyo āruhitvā ucce rukkhe visuṃ nisīdanti.


4. Ime kassakā pāto vuṭṭhitā gehehi nikkhamma taṃ khettaṃ kasiṃsu.


5. Bhūpālassa sīho nagaramhā dhāvitvā sīhiyā saddhiṃ mahantamhi vanamhi sukhaṃ vasati.


6. Paññavā bhūpati pañcahi garūhi saha asmiṃ mahante nagare carati.


7. Kaññāya pitā khettamhā āgamma bhattaṃ bhuñjitvā sete gehe sukhaṃ sayati.


8. Vāṇijassa surūpā dhītaro sakhīhi saha padumāni ocinitvā uttānāyaṃ nadiyaṃ nahāyanti.


9. Mayhaṃ bhātuno tatiyo putto muninā desitaṃ dhammaṃ sādhukaṃ uggaṇhāti.


10. Cha vanitāyo rājiniyā dātuṃ vanamhā rattāni padumāni āharanti.


11. Tumhe aṭaviṃ gantvā tejanehi surūpe pakkhino mā māretha.


12. Idāni tvaṃ pupphāni ādāya mittehi saddhiṃ taṃ cetiyaṃ vandāhi.


13. Ahaṃ Buddhānaṃ sāsanaṃ uggahetvā appamādena sīlaṃ rakkhissāmi.


14. Sīlavantā bhikkhavo abhiṇhaṃ vihāre manussānaṃ Bhagavato dhammaṃ desenti.


15. Suve mayaṃ Buddhassa cetiyaṃ vandituṃ Anurādhapuraṃ gamissāma.



Analyze the following sentences: subjects, objects and predicates


1. Cattāro purisā balavante aṭṭha goṇe taṃ mahantaṃ khettaṃ hariṃsu.

Four men carried eight strong oxen to that big field.


2. Imasmiṃ gāme aṭṭhasu gehesu pañcatiṃsati manussā dukkhaṃ vasanti.

Thirty-five people among the eight households in this village live with difficulty.


3. Te dhanavantā mahantesu mañcesu sukhaṃ sayissanti.

Those rich men will sleep comfortably on the big beds.


4. Pañcannaṃ dāsānaṃ dasa puttā vīsatiyā balavantehi goṇehi khettaṃ kasanti.

The ten sons of the five slaves plough the field with twenty strong oxen.


5. Ekā itthī dvinnaṃ puttānaṃ rattāni vatthāni āharitvā adāsi.

One woman brought the red clothes and gave (them) to the two sons.


6. Dhanavanto vāṇijā sakaṭehi bhaṇḍāni ādāya gāme gantvā tāni sīghaṃ vikkiṇissanti.

Having taken goods with carts and gone to villages, the rich merchants will sell them quickly.

sakaṭa: (m/n) a cart, wagon


7. Bhūpatino paṭhamo putto bahūhi manussehi saddhiṃ suve uyyānaṃ gamissati.

The first son of the king will go to the garden with many people tomorrow.

uyyāna: (n) a park, pleasure grove, a (royal) garden


8. Mayhaṃ mātulānī rattaṃ gāviṃ dīghāya rajjuyā daḷhaṃ rukkhe bandhi.

My aunt tied the red cow tightly onto a tree with a long rope.


9. Seṭṭhino balavanto aṭṭha puttā kakkhaḷaṃ coraṃ asīhi paharitvā tatth'eva māresuṃ.

The eight powerful sons of the millionaire struck the fierce robber with swords and killed him on the spot.

kakkhaḷa: (adj) rough, hard, harsh; cruel, fierce, pitiless

tatth'eva: on the spot


10. Gāmaṃ gacchantī vanitā aññissā bālaṃ dhītaraṃ disvā tassā tayo ambe adāsi.

The woman going to the village saw the young daughter of another woman and gave her three mangos.





    New Pali Course
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