Key to Exercise 26, The New Pali Course (Part I)




Translate into English


1. Kaññāya odano pacīyati.

The rice is cooked by the girl.


2. Te goṇā dāsehi paharīyanti.

Those oxen are beaten by the slaves.


3. Tvaṃ balinā purisena ākaḍḍhīyasi.

You are dragged by the strong man.


4. Mayaṃ amhākaṃ arīhi mārīyāma.

We are killed by our enemies.


5. Te migā tāya dāsiyā bandhīyanti.

Those deer are tied by that slave woman.


6. Iminā vaḍḍhakinā imasmiṃ gāme bahūni gehāni karīyanti.

Many houses in this village are built by this carpenter.

vaḍḍhaki / ī: (m) a carpenter, builder, architect, mason


7. Tumhe tasmiṃ gāme manussehi bandhīyatha.

You are tied by the people in that village.


8. Amhākaṃ bhaṇḍāni tesaṃ dāsehi gāmaṃ harīyanti.

Our goods are carried by their slaves to the village.


9. Aṭṭhahi vāṇijehi cattāro assā nagaraṃ āharīyanti.

Four horses are brought to the city by eight merchants.


10. Mayaṃ amhākaṃ dhītarehi nattārehi ca vandīyāma.

We are respected by our daughters and grandsons.


11. Taṃ mahantaṃ khettaṃ pañcahi kassakehi kasīyati.

That big field is ploughed by five farmers.


12. Vanitāya bahūni vatthāni tassaṃ pokkharaṇiyaṃ dhovīyanti.

A lot of clothes are washed in that pond by the woman.


13. Seṭṭhinā bahunnaṃ yācakānaṃ dānaṃ dīyati.

Alms are given by the millionaire to many beggars.


14. Tasmiṃ ārāme vasantehi bhikkhūhi sīlāni rakkhīyanti.

The precepts are observed /protected by the monks living in that monastery.


15. Chahi bhikkhūhi pañcasatānaṃ manussānaṃ dhammo desīyati.

The doctrine is preached to five hundred men by the six monks.


16. Paññāsāya manussehi tasmiṃ āpaṇe bahūni bhaṇḍāni kiṇīyanti.

A lot of goods in that shop are bought by fifty people.


17. Dasahi vanitāhi dvisataṃ ambānaṃ vikkiṇīyati.

Two hundred of the mangoes are sold by ten women.


18. Dāsiyā pakko odano gahapatinā bhuñjīyati.

The rice cooked by the slave woman is eaten by the householder.


19. Magge ṭhito dārako tassa mātuyā hatthehi gaṇhīyati.

The boy who stood on the road is held by his mother with hands.


20. Buddhena devānaṃ manussānañca dhammo bhāsīyati.

The doctrine is told by the Buddha to gods and people.



Translate into Pali


1. The cows are tied with long ropes by the slaves.

Dāsehi dhenuyo dīghāhi rajjūhi bandhīyanti.


2. Two black horses are bought by the two rich men.

Dvīhi dhanavantehi purisehi dve kāḷā assā kiṇīyanti.


3. You are beaten by four men.

Tumhe catūhi purisehi paharīyatha.


4. This house is built (made) by eight carpenters.

Aṭṭhahi vaḍḍhakīhi imaṃ gehaṃ karīyati.


5. Nine cows are killed by two tigers in that forest.

Dvīhi vyagghehi nava gāviyo tamhi vanamhi mārīyanti.

vyaggha: (m) a tiger


6. Thou art dragged to the field by those powerful men.

Tvaṃ tehi balavantehi narehi khettaṃ ākaḍḍhīyasi.


7. Many goods are sold in this village by those two merchants.

Tehi dvīhi vāṇijehi imasmiṃ gāme bahūni bhaṇḍāni vikkiṇīyanti.


8. You are tied fast by the people of the city.

Tumhe nagarassa manussehi daḷhaṃ bandhīyatha.


9. The baby is carried to a physician by his mother.

Tassa mātuyā susu vejjassa santikaṃ harīyati.


10. The rice is well cooked by the second daughter of the merchant.

Vāṇijassa dutiyāya dhītuyā odano sādhukaṃ pacīyati.


11. The doctrine is preached to the people of this village by the monks residing in that monastery.

Tasmiṃ vihāre vasantehi bhikkhūhi imassa gāmassa manussānaṃ dhammo desīyati.


12. The rice cooked by the slave woman is eaten by her son and brothers.

Dāsiyā pakko odano tassā puttena bhātarehi ca bhuñjīyati.


13. Many red clothes are washed in the tank by those women.

Tāhi vanitāhi bahūni rattāni vatthāni vāpiyaṃ dhovīyanti.


14. Three hundred mangoes are sold by six tall women.

Chahi uccāhi vanitāhi tisataṃ ambānaṃ vikkiṇīyati.

Chahi uccāhi vanitāhi tīṇi satāni ambā vikkiṇīyanti.


15. Much wealth is given to his relations by that rich man.

Tena dhanavantena bahu dhanaṃ tassa bandhūnaṃ dīyati.


16. All grass in this field is eaten by eight oxen and four cows.

Aṭṭhahi goṇehi ca catūhi dhenūhi ca imasmiṃ khette sabbaṃ tiṇaṃ khādīyati.


17. The Buddha is worshipped everywhere in this island.

Buddho sabbattha imamhi dīpe vandīyati.


18. Two fields are ploughed by 12 farmers and six oxen.

Dve khettāni dvādasahi kassakehi ca chahi goṇehi ca kasīyanti.


19. Those who went by that path are killed by a lion.

Ye tena maggena gatā te ekena sīhena mārīyanti.


20. The son of the man who walks on the road is beaten by that powerful man.

Magge carantassa narassa putto tena balinā purisena paharīyati.

Yo magge carati tassa putto tena balavantena purisena paharīyati.





    New Pali Course
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