Key to Exercise 27, The New Pali Course (Part I)
Translate into English
1. Kaññāya bhuñjīyamānaṃ bhattaṃ sunakhassa dātabbaṃ (hoti).
The rice (which is) being eaten by the girl should be given to the dog.
2. Purisena chindīyamāno rukkho gehassa upari patissati.
The tree (which is) being cut by the man will fall upon the house.
3. Purisehi khettāni kasitabbāni, vanitāhi tesaṃ bhattaṃ pacitabbaṃ.
The fields should be ploughed by the men, and food should be cooked for them by the women.
(OR) The fields should be ploughed by the men, and their food should be cooked by the women.
4. Puttehi dhītarehi ca pitaro mātaro ca vanditabbā honti.
Fathers and mothers should be revered by sons and daughters.
(Sons and daughters should revere fathers and mothers.)
5. Dāsena harīyamāno asso vāṇijānaṃ vikkiṇitabbo hoti.
The horse being carried by the slave is to be sold to the merchants.
6. Corehi paharīyamānā purisā aññaṃ kattabbaṃ adisvā aṭaviṃ dhāviṃsu.
Not seeing what else should be done, the men being struck by the robbers ran to the forest.
7. Sārathinā paharīyamāno asso rathaṃ ākaḍḍhanto sīghaṃ dhāvati.
The horse pulling the chariot, being beaten by the charioteer, runs quickly.
8. Tumhehi dānāni dātabbāni, sīlani rakkhitabbāni, puññāni kātabbāni (honti).
Alms should be given, precepts should be observed, and meritorious deeds should be done by you.
(You should give alms, observe precepts, and do meritorious deeds.)
9. Sissehi dhammo sotabbo satthāni uggaṇhitabbāni.
The doctrine should be heard and sciences should be learned by students.
(Students should hear the doctrine and learn sciences.)
sattha: (n) a science, art, lore
10. Mayā dīyamānaṃ bhuñjitabbaṃ bhuñjituṃ bahū yācakā āgacchanti.
Many beggars come to eat the food (which is) being given by me.
bhuñjitabba: (n/grd.) what may be eaten, eatable, food; fit or proper to eat
11. Vanitā dhovitabbāni vatthāni ādāya vitthataṃ nadiṃ gamissati.
The woman, having taken the clothes to be washed, will go to the wide river.
12. Yuvatiyo vandanīyāni cetiyāni disvā ekāya kaññāya ocinīyamānāni padumāni yāciṃsu.
Having seen the shrines fit to be worshipped, the maidens asked for the lotuses being gathered by a girl.
13. Mama bhātā tasmiṃ vane āhiṇḍanto chindanīye bahū rukkhe passi.
Wandering in that forest, my brother saw many trees fit to be cut.
14. Mayā ovadiyamāno bālo vattabbaṃ apassanto khinno nisīdi.
Not knowing/seeing what should be said, the boy being admonished by me sat down dejected.
ovadati: to give advice, admonish, exhort, instruct grd. ovaditabba, ovadiya
khinna: (pp. of khijjati) tired, distressed, dejected
Translate into Pali
1. The fruit that is being eaten by the boy should not be given to another one.
Dārakena bhuñjīyamānaṃ phalaṃ aññassa na dātabbaṃ.
2. The field should be ploughed by the farmers with their oxen.
Khettaṃ kassakehi tesaṃ goṇehi kasitabbaṃ.
3. Being beaten by an enemy and not knowing what should be done, the man ran across the field.
Ekena arinā paharīyamāno puriso kiṃ kātabban’ti ajānanto khette tiriyaṃ dhāvi.
tiriyaṃ: (adv) transversely, obliquely, horizontally, slanting, across [+ loc.]
4. Many beggars came to receive the alms given by the rich merchant.
Dhanavantena vāṇijena dinnāni dānāni labhituṃ bahū yācakā āgacchiṃsu.
5. Your parents are to be worshipped and protected by you.
Tava mātāpitaro tayā vanditabbā ca rakkhitabbā ca honti.
mātāpitaro: (m. pl.) parents
6. Being admonished by the teacher the student began to learn what should be learnt.
Sisso satthārā ovadito uggaṇhitabbaṃ uggaṇhituṃ ārabhi.
ārabhati: to begin, start, undertake, attempt; to exert oneself, obtain by exertion ger. ārabbha, ārabhitvā pp. āraddha
7. The horses that are being carried by the merchants are to be sold tomorrow.
Vāṇijehi harīyamānā assā suve vikkiṇitabbā.
8. The horse being beaten by the slave ran quickly to the field.
Dāsena paharīyamāno asso khettaṃ sīghaṃ dhāvi.
9. Precepts should be observed and alms should be given by you.
Tumhehi sīlani rakkhitabbāni, dānāni dātabbāni honti.
10. Many clothes are to be washed by our friends.
Amhākaṃ mittehi bahūni vatthāni dhovitabbāni honti.
11. Ten men cut many trees that should be cut in that garden.
Dasa purisā tamhi ārāme chinditabbe bahūni rukkhe chindiṃsu.
12. The trees which are being cut by them will fall on other trees.
Tehi chindīyamānā rukkhā aññesaṃ rukkhānaṃ upari patissanti.
13. The merchants did not get any food that should be eaten by them.
Vāṇijā tehi bhuñjitabbaṃ bhattaṃ na labhiṃsu.
14. What should happen will happen to us and the others.
Yo bhavitabbo hoti so amhañ ca aññesañ ca bhavissati.
15. The rice is to be cooked and carried to the field by us.
Odano amhebhi pacitabbo ca khettaṃ haritabbo ca hoti.