Key to Exercise 3, The New Pali Course (Part I)
Translate into English
1. Narā suriyaṃ passanti.
The men see the sun.
2. Goṇā pāsāṇe tiṭṭhanti.
The oxen stand on the rock.
3. Manusso gāme carati.
The man walks in the village.
4. Sakuṇo rukkhe nisīdati.
The bird sits on the tree.
5. Buddho dhammaṃ bhāsati.
The Buddha delivers the doctrine.
6. Ahaṃ dīpaṃ āharāmi.
I bring a lamp.
7. Mayaṃ goṇe harāma.
We carry away the oxen.
8. Saṅgho gāmaṃ gacchati.
The community goes to the village.
9. Tvaṃ sīhaṃ passasi.
You [sg.] see the lion.
10. Bhūpālā asse āruhanti.
The kings mount the horses.
11. Devā ākāsena gacchanti.
The deities go through the sky.
12. Assā dīpesu dhāvanti.
The horses run in the islands.
13. Tvaṃ pādehi carasi.
You [sg.] walk with feet.
14. Tumhe hatthehi haratha.
You [pl.] carry with hands.
15. Mayaṃ loke vasāma.
We live in the world.
16. Sunakhā vānarehi kīḷanti.
The dogs play with the monkeys.
17. Puriso mañce sayati.
The man sleeps in bed.
18. Varāhā ajehi vasanti.
The pigs live with the goats.
19. Sīhā sakuṇe hananti.
The lions kill the birds.
20. Sunakhā gāme caranti.
The dogs walk in the village.
Translate into Pali
1. The horse stands on the rock.
Asso pāsāṇe /pāsāṇamhi /pāsāṇasmiṃ tiṭṭhati.
2. The goats walk in the village.
Ajā gāme /gāmamhi /gāmasmiṃ caranti.
3. You see the sun.
Tumhe suriyaṃ passatha.
Tvaṃ suriyaṃ passasi.
4. The moon rises in the sky.
Cando ākāse /ākāsamhi /ākāsasmiṃ udeti.
5. The men sleep in beds.
Narā /Purisā mañcesu sayanti.
6. The oxen run from the lion.
Goṇā sīhā /sīhamhā /sīhasmā dhāvanti.
7. People live in the world.
Manussā loke /lokamhi /lokasmiṃ vasanti.
8. Thou bringest a lamp.
Tvaṃ dīpaṃ āharasi.
9. We live in an island.
Mayaṃ dīpe /dīpamhi /dīpasmiṃ vasāma.
10. Thou art a king.
Tvaṃ bhūpālo bhavasi.
11. You see the bird on the tree.
Tumhe rukkhe /rukkhamhi /rukkhasmiṃ sakuṇaṃ passatha.
Tvaṃ rukkhe /rukkhamhi /rukkhasmiṃ sakuṇaṃ passasi.
12. The monkey plays with the pig.
Vānaro varāhena kīḷati.
13. The king kills a lion.
Bhūpālo sīhaṃ hanati.
14. The deity walks in the sky.
Devo ākāse /ākāsamhi /ākāsasmiṃ carati.
15. Trees are in the island.
Rukkhā dīpe /dīpamhi /dīpasmiṃ bhavanti.
16. He carries the lamp.
So dīpaṃ harati.
17. We see the body of the man.
Mayaṃ narassa /purisassa kāyaṃ passāma.
18. We eat with the hands.
Mayaṃ hatthehi /hatthebhi bhuñjāma.