Key to Exercise 5, The New Pali Course (Part I)
Translate into English
1. Muni dhammaṃ bhāsati.
The monk delivers the doctrine.
2. Gahapatayo vīhiṃ minanti.
The householders measure the paddy.
3. Ahi adhipatino hatthaṃ ḍasati.
The serpent bites the lord’s hand.
4. Isi pāṇinā maṇiṃ gaṇhāti.
The hermit/sage takes the gem with (his) hand.
5. Dīpayo girimhi vasanti.
The leopards live in the mountain.
6. Ari asinā patiṃ paharati.
The enemy strikes the husband/master with a sword.
7. Kavayo dīpamhi nidhiṃ khaṇanti.
The poets dig the hidden treasure on the island.
8. Tvaṃ atithīnaṃ āhāraṃ desi.
You [sg.] give food to the guests.
9. Tumhe udadhimhi kīḷatha.
You [pl.] play in the ocean.
10. Vyādhayo loke manusse pīḷenti.
Sicknesses oppress people in the world.
11. Kapi ahino kucchiṃ paharati.
The monkey beats the serpent’s belly.
12. Kavino muṭṭhimhi maṇayo bhavanti.
There are gems in the poet’s fist.
13. Ravi girimhā udeti.
The sun rises from the mountain.
14. Ahaṃ vīhīnaṃ rāsiṃ passāmi.
I see a heap of paddies.
15. Mayaṃ gāme āhiṇḍāma.
We wander in the village.
Translate into Pali
1. Leopards kill deer.
Dīpayo mige mārenti.
2. The sage comes from the mountain.
Isi girimhā āgacchati.
3. There is a sword in the enemy's hand.
Arino hatthamhi /pāṇimhi asi bhavati.
4. There are gems in the householder's fist.
Gahapatino muṭṭhimhi maṇayo bhavanti.
5. We give food to the guest.
Mayaṃ atithino /atithissa āhāraṃ dema.
6. The farmer's sons measure a heap of paddy.
Kassakassa puttā vīhino rāsiṃ minanti.
7. The serpent gets food from the poet.
Ahi kavimhā āhāraṃ labhati.
8. The monks kindle a fire.
Munayo aggiṃ jālenti.
9. The householder gets a gem from the leader.
Gahapati adhipatimhā maṇiṃ labhati.
10. The monkeys on the tree strike the leopard.
Kapayo rukkhamhi dīpiṃ paharanti.
11. The leader strikes the enemy with a sword.
Adhipati asinā ariṃ paharati.
12. The sages look at the sun.
Isayo raviṃ /suriyaṃ olokenti.
13. We get paddy from the husband.
Mayaṃ patimhā vīhiṃ labhāma.
14. The sickness oppresses the sons of the guest.
Vyādhi atithino putte pīḷeti.
15. I see the sun upon the sea.
Ahaṃ udadhimhi raviṃ /suriyaṃ passāmi.