Key to Exercise 4, The New Pali Course (Part I)
Translate into English
1. Puttā dhammaṃ uggaṇhanti.
The sons learn the doctrine.
2. Sīho migaṃ māreti.
The lion kills the deer.
3. Vāṇijassa putto goṇe vikkiṇāti.
The merchant’s son sells the oxen.
4. Mayaṃ vāṇijamhā mañce kiṇāma.
We buy the beds from the merchant.
5. Lekhako mittena magge gacchati.
The clerk goes on the path with a friend.
6. Dāsā mittānaṃ sunakhe haranti.
The slaves carry the dogs to the friends.
The slaves carry away the dogs of the friends.
7. Kassako goṇe kiṇāti.
The farmer buys the oxen.
8. Kākā ākāse uḍḍenti.
The crows fly in the sky.
9. Vāṇijā Buddhassa dhammaṃ suṇanti.
The merchants listen to the Buddha’s doctrine.
10. Corā mayūre corenti.
The thieves steal the peacocks.
11. Ahaṃ Buddhaṃ pūjemi.
I respect the Buddha.
12. Tvaṃ dīpaṃ jālesi.
You light the lamp.
13. Dāso goṇaṃ pīḷeti.
The slave presses down the ox.
14. Tumhe magge kassakaṃ oloketha.
You look at the farmer on the road.
15. Mayaṃ dhammaṃ jānāma.
We know the doctrine.
Translate into Pali
1. The robber steals an ox.
Coro goṇaṃ coreti.
2. The clerk's son buys a horse.
Lekhakassa putto assaṃ kiṇāti.
3. Merchants sell lamps.
Vāṇijā dīpe vikkiṇanti.
4. He knows the friend's son.
So mittassa puttaṃ jānāti.
5. Boys learn in the village.
Kumārā gāme /gāmamhi /gāmasmiṃ uggaṇhanti.
6. Peacocks are on the road.
Mayūrā magge /maggamhi /maggasmiṃ bhavanti.
7. The slave lights a lamp.
Dāso dīpaṃ jāleti.
8. Lions kill deer.
Sīhā mige mārenti /hananti.
9. The king governs the island.
Bhūpālo dīpaṃ pāleti.
10. Birds fly in the sky.
Sakuṇā ākāse /ākāsamhi /ākāsasmiṃ uḍḍenti.
11. We see the sons of the merchant.
Mayaṃ vāṇijassa putte passāma.
12. Look at the hands of the man.
Narassa hatthe olokesi.
[Narassa hatthe olokehi. ← imperative]
13. You hear the doctrine of the Buddha.
Tvaṃ Buddhassa dhammaṃ suṇāsi.
Tumhe Buddhassa dhammaṃ suṇātha.
14. They respect (or make offerings to) the community.
Te saṅghaṃ pūjenti.
15. The monkey teases (or oppresses) the birds.
Vānaro sakuṇe pīḷeti.